A Shower Of Love!!!

Today the Sky & Earth

Conspired against me

Showered the heavenly love

And drenched me

In rhythmic melange

Of raindrops & earthiness…

Sudden coolness 

Promising beauty

Cajoled my heart

As I missed

To be with my lover

With all my might…

Luminous puddles and slush

Fenced the rejoicing flowers;

And the tempestuous wind

Gently whispered, to bloom & dance

And quench the thirst

In the whistles of silvery rain…


Uncertain Storms!!!

Storms are unsettling
Rage of emotions,
That abandons the entirety
And disrupts the life
Of intricate possibilities;
Opposed to reason
It allows

To harbor the feelings to avenge,
Impels humanity to a steep precipice
To dive into an irksome solace…

Uproar evoked by inner storms
Ain’t unfailingly to wreak havoc
Once embraced,
It unravels the path
To a new beginning
Wash over the shores of the soul
And radiate the energy
That flows universally;
Compels to dispense the animosity
Allows the heart to glance at reality…

A Lost World!!!

City lights
Shimmering bright
Illuminating the darkness
Like a sea of shining glow;
That seeps through every soul
Radiating the inner hue,
Hidden beneath the layers of hunger
Aiming to unravel 
The power of dark angst; 
Clutching the sanity of the human race...
A flurry of madness
Shatters every dream
A mother sees for her newborn,
A shared destiny of hostility & bloodbath
Envelops the purity residing in each corner;
Forging a forbidden world
A graveyard of lost passion & love for humanity...

Symphony of Hearts…

Looking at the sun-kissed sky
While sitting on a tree so high
A chirping bird
Spread the word
Of a wondrous tale
Whispered like a fairytale…

A benevolent soul
Who traveled far away from Constantinople;
Hauled a bag of treasure
That concealed all the worldly pleasure
Headed towards the uncharted land
While embracing wild winds & flurry sand…

Lurching ahead to a dangerous terrain
Divine symphony to attain;
Guided by the starlit night
Embers of hope & love entwined
Flame that sets his soul ablaze
The fiery heart thrived to embrace…

The sky changed to a crimson hue
That broke all the spells untrue
Silence spoke in a secret way
Eyes caught a beautiful display;
She wore the smile so heavenly
And gazed at him dreamily
The sigh of undying love
Echoed in the universe above…

battles Bhuddism Bodhisattva colourful Communion contentment Cradle Dawn Death Defeat desires Devastation Dream footprints Glory God grave Harmony Human Revolution impression journey Life Longing love lover Memories New beginning peaceful Pledge Poetry real world reminders sea sky symphony Smile Soldier Sorrow Soul Soulful Struggle tears Twilight Vow Winter world

Melody Of Longing…


Chilling Sanity…

At leisure

You approach the world

Holding within the treasure

Though thy presence dazzled

Every being;

Abstaining the closeness

When blissful intimacy awaits

Envisage a canvas

While blithe spirit navigates

Every passion;

The snowy veil

Blinds every existence

Even dreams do not sail

And bow down in silence

Every day by day;

The warmth you shower

With sweet soundless clarity

Do not show the power

But conform to chilling sanity

To begin a new life passage…

Rating: 3 out of 5.